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Organizational Development & Change
An organization development intervention is a sequence of activities, actions, and events intended to help an organization improve its performance and effectiveness. Intervention design, or action planning, derives from careful diagnosis and is meant to resolve specific problems and to improve particular areas of organizational functioning identified in the diagnosis. OD interventions vary from standardized programs that have been developed and used in many organizations to relatively unique programs tailored to a specific organization or department.

Organization Development (OD) is the practice of helping organizations solve problems and reach their goals. A key emphasis in OD is assisting clients not just in meeting their goal but with learning new problem-solving skills they can use in the future.

DAWN HR SOLUTIONS offer a range of OD services to a Organization, including:
  • Change management -- working with departments, committees and other groups of an organization to help them plan and implement significant changes such as work reorganization or moves and space changes.
  • Group problem solving -- helping a group identify a key issue, gather information about it, and outline decisions or action plans needed to address the issue.
  • Talent Management -– helping managers assess their department's workforce so that the right people are in the right roles with the right set of skills at the right time.
  • Meeting design and facilitation -- working with clients to help them plan an agenda, stay with the agenda, and discuss issues effectively.
  • Team development -- helping a team to develop its ability to work more effectively together.
  • Business Process Redesign -- working with a group to analyze the current way of doing a specific piece of work to determine whether there is a better way to design how the work gets done.
  • Customized Training -- working with a group to develop or renew knowledge, skill or values relative to a group goal.
Our OD Consultants bring a broad range of experiences and a consistent, thoughtful approach to helping clients solve organizational problems. All services are customized to meet the specific needs of the organization. To learn more about our services, please contact:
We can support senior individuals in numerous ways including:
For general enquiries please contact:
Dawn HR Services
Bangalore - 560 034
Ph: +91 9845014071, 080-41473448
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